Friday, May 18, 2012

Official AIA press release on Mongolia Team!

The Athletes in Action wrestling team has a tour of Mongolia planned for May 31-June 15. The agenda includes participating in the John Peterson Invitational Wrestling Tournament and hosting a week-long training camp, but the main goal is to pour into the lives of the local athletes and share the love and good news of Jesus Christ.
"This will be a tremendous opportunity to reach those who may have never heard the name of Christ," says Gene Davis, director of AIA wrestling. "It will also be an excellent opportunity to sow broadly and to pour into local staff members and give them chances to learn better how to speak out boldly for the Lord in their country."
Davis is also excited about the spiritual benefit to the American athletes going on the trip.
"Not only will this be a great wrestling opportunity for these guys, but it will also be a great opportunity for spiritual growth," Davis says. "There is a lot of potential for these guys to really get an idea of what international ministry is about and broaden their ministry horizons."
After competing in a two-day international tournament against teams from Mongolia, Russia (Siberia) and China (Inner Mongolia), the AIA teams will host a week-long training camp for the wrestlers that placed in the top three in their respective weight class divisions.
"That is where most of ministry goes on," Davis says. "The morning time is calisthenics, stretching and conditioning, then in the afternoon is when they have their two-hour workout session. That's when the wrestlers and coaches have about 15-20 minutes to share their faith testimonies and share the gospel with the campers."
Davis estimates there will be around 100 wrestlers, male and female combined, participating in the camp, including the 15-man Athletes in Action contingency.
Davis believes the team Athletes in Action is sending is one of the best ever. It features three collegiate wrestlers: Nathan Burak from Iowa, Shamus O'Grady from St. Cloud State and Chris Chionuma from Lindenwood, where he was a three-time NAIA All-American and National Champion his junior year before transferring to perennial power Oklahoma State. There are also four high school wrestlers making the trip as well.
"The Mongolian Wrestling Federation thinks (the tour) is one of the greatest things ever," Davis says. "Their athletes get to compete against and then be trained by such high-caliber athletes; they are very excited about this."
Davis is also rather enthused by the leadership on this tour. "This is one of our strongest leadership teams ever," he said.
Former collegiate wrestler and 35-year AIA staff member Steve Burak will lead the tour, joined by 1976 Olympic Champion John Peterson; Ian McCutcheon, director of AIA ministry at Oklahoma State; and new AIA staff member Rob Bronson. Long-time AIA international wrestling staff member Steve Barrett will serve as host for the AIA team.
Davis says the success of the tour is dependent upon the prayer support offered up worldwide. He encourages believers to, "Pray for the open hearts and minds of Mongolian wrestlers, coaches, and officials."

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