A little excerpt from our March 2011 Prayer letter, where I got to do a phone interview Trevor Prangley an All-American Wrestler from North Idaho Junior College and Strikeforce fighter who is featured in the new AIA Wrestling DVD...
(Rob) Tell me about your life?
(Prangley) I grew up in South Africa, my dad was a “closet Christian” he read his Bible but didn't lead his family by it. I lost in double overtime to just miss making the Olympic Team, so I decided to move to the United States to further my training in wrestling.
How did you become a Christian?
A good friend was badly injured in a car wreck suffering brain damage, and an injury to his arm. As a support we started taking him to a local church.The pastor of the church befriended me and started building into my life. I had always believed in God, but at the time I was not living with my wife. I accepted Christ after talking with the pastor over a period of time and moved back to Texas. I really felt God tugging at my heart. Normally I am a pretty laid back guy, but I just felt anxious all the time. I know now it was God prodding me to move back to Idaho and reconcile with my wife. I moved back and patched things up with my wife who was gracious enough to take me back. God was really working in me.
How has becoming a Christian helped your wrestling and fighting? Perspective. I now know that there is much more to life than just wrestling and fighting. I am using the gifts and abilities God gave me in something that I love. But I am also excited to see where God takes me in the next chapter of my life. If I had been at this stage of my career (near the end) before becoming a Christian I would be devastated. But now I know that as I get older there is much more to life than fighting. Also when I am the most focused on God I fight my best. Its not that God grants me victory over my opponent rather, when I am in a right relationship with God I am at peace and the most focused.
How have you been able to use your stage as a athlete to share your faith in Christ? People take the opinion of top sports figures pretty highly. Much more than they should really. People ask about my life all the time and I am able to tell them about my faith in God. I tell them you really shouldn’t model your life after me because I make mistakes all the time. Model your life after God. I have also started a Bible Study wednesday nights at the gym.We have had 4 or 5 guys accept Christ as a result of this.There is a great need for the young men to hear about God.
To see more of Trevor and other wrestlers sharing their faith click on the link to the right title Unfading Glory DVD
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