Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Wrestling fastest growing sport in the U.S.

The National Federation of State High School Associations (NFHS) has released its 2010-11 High School Athletics Participation Survey, and the sport of wrestling has grown in all five categories identified.

The statistics for boys and girls wrestling grew during the 2010-11 season concerning the number of athletes participating.

In 2010-11, there were 273,732 boys competing in wrestling, an increase of 842 wrestlers from the previous year (a 0.3 percent increase)

The number of girl wrestlers in high schools grew to 7,351 athletes, an increase of 1,217 wrestlers from the previous year (an impressive 19.8 percent increase). This made girls wrestling the fastest growing sport for high school girls in terms of percentage increase.

The number of girl high school wrestlers has gained every year since 1990, a streak of 22 straight years of growth in participation

Wrestling remained the No. 6 most popular boys sport in terms of number of participants and the No. 8 most popular sport in terms of number of teams.

When combining the number of boys and girls involved in wrestling in 2010-11, the total number grew to 281,083, which increased 2,059 for the year. This amounts to a 0.7 percent increase in total wrestlers for the year.

There was an increase in the number of high schools which fielded boys wrestling teams. In the 2010-11 season, there were 10,407 boys wrestling teams, an increase of 44 teams, for a percentage gain of 0.4 percent.

There were 1,215 girls wrestling teams this season, an increase of 206 teams, for a percentage gain of 20.4 percent.

For the 22nd consecutive year, the number of student participants in high school athletics increased overall.

There was a total of 7,667,955 participants in 2010-11 in all sports, an increase of 39,578 for the year.

The top 10 states for boys wrestling participation were: 1. California (27,833); 2. Illinois (17,133); 3. New York (14,367); 4. Ohio (11,693); 5. Michigan (11,195); 6. North Carolina (10,724); 7. Pennsylvania (9,900); 8. New Jersey (9,718); 9. Georgia (8,490); 10. Florida (8,412)

Friday, August 19, 2011

God is using wrestling around the world!

Radek Swaidetwo Poland

I was born into a broken family. My parents were separated. Their priority was to make money and they didn’t even have time to show love to me or my siblings. As a young boy I was looking for a hero, a person that I could look up to. I admired people from the Silver Screen like Sylvester Stallone. But during that period it was my brother who became a real idol to me. He was involved in martial arts. When I was 12 years old I began to practice wrestling in an attempt to seek his acceptance. After several wins I felt like I was finally someone in his eyes.

My brother went to fight in a war in Yugoslavia. When he went off to war he became even more of a hero to me. When he came back I admired the fact that he was using his strength in bars and night clubs. I even began to take after his actions. However, the hidden truth was that we both felt empty in our hearts and were searching for something more significant in life. I asked myself questions such as, “What happens to me when I die?” Not having an answer I was filled with fear and afraid of dying.
One day when my sister came home she was different, she was full of joy. At first I thought that this was unreal, but I soon realized that my anxiety came from lacking the joy she had. After I came back to the house from a party one night I didn’t know what to do with my life anymore. So I went to my sister and asked her to pray for me. I felt the presence of Christ. I asked Him to come into my heart and then my life began to change.

Three months later my brother also committed his life to Jesus. I admired him more than ever, because he was telling everyone about Christ and what He has done in his life.

I believe that God puts us in specific places. He has a plan for each one of us. I was filled with love for kids who live in orphanages. I knew that God was calling me to proclaim Christ’s love among children and youth. Together with my wife we have been serving youth for seven years so far. I continued to practice wrestling even though it wasn’t very easy. I attempted to finish my sports career, but there were always many obstacles to overcome. I went to the Olympic Games in Athens. The fact that I even qualified was a miracle.

Through reading the Scripture Jesus has changed my way of thinking. The Lord Jesus says, “Come to Me all of you who are burdened and weary and I will give you rest.” I was competing in a very demanding sport and many times I felt that I had had enough. But when I recalled the words of Jesus, they helped me on the mat. Now however, His words help me in a different match: the match called life!

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

From one of the legends of the sport...

From Beyond the Ultimate

As a sophomore in high school my [church] youth group spent a week in Colorado skiing. It was during that time that I understood what Christ could REALLY do and had already done for me. I accepted [Jesus Christ into my life as Savior] and realized that real power is through Christ.
I grew up in a broken family caused by alcohol abuse. We had little money, little material. But I did not allow that to destroy my structure of integrity formed from will, determination and guts. Christ has taught me that He is the real power and authority over all things great and otherwise.
I have heard it said that it is lonely at the top. Not true; it is lonely getting there. In society many times emphasis is placed on sex, alcohol, drugs and attending the big party. Kids are told to question authority. Values of winning and working hard are eroded in favor of mediocrity. Integrity and high moral standards are traded for worldly pleasure and quick fixes.
I gave up worldly views and “feasted on” things moral. While the temptations were there I was trained to defeat them…I am not a victim of the environment I grew up in; I am the champion of the environment God tested me in—through [the strength and power given to me by] Christ.
To win every moment we must be equipped with strong minds possessing integrity and high moral standards needed to conquer and destroy the temptations brought on by “feel good” reflexes. Christ supplies all we need to wage that war and fight those battles.

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

CSU Summer Conference

“You have the reputation of being alive, but you are dead. Wake up & strengthen what remains!” Revelation 3:1-2.

Our Staff Conference was kicked off by Francis Chan who challenged us to “secure an undistracted devotion to the Lord.” He felt the Lord lead him to Rev 3:1-2 as he prayed over what to share with all of us. He said, “You cannot experience fruitfulness when there is sin in the camp.” We were given time & space to reflect, ask God to search our hearts, & confess our sins both personally & corporately. What an honor it is to serve with an organization that takes seriously the call to examine themselves, repent, and rise up strengthened by God’s power within them! As the conference went on our national leadership team announced that around Feb 2012 Campus Crusade for Christ will be changing its name to “Cru.”

If you are interested in seeing the official statement here is a link:
The name may be changing, but the mission remains the same: to be passionate in sharing the heart of Jesus with everyone who has not yet had the chance to hear about Him! During our time in Ft.Collins we also had the chance to meet with our ministry branches. It was so encouraging to gather with those who are serving with Athletes in Action! We have renewed excitement & passion to serve God alongside these families! These few days were only a taste of what is to come, and it was delicious! We are more confident than ever that God has led us to this exact place and so we continue to trust Him to get us there in His perfect timing! The time for moving is now on the horizon, we can see it getting closer!

Thank you for praying, sacrificing, believing, hoping, & dreaming with us! We are getting some responses from our last letter! Thank you for asking the Lord to bring to mind people in your life to share in this ministry with us!

Statistic given at Athletes in Action Ministry Days

for every NICKEL given... ONE person hears the Gospel